What do you believe Americans would say is the greatest threat to OUR democracy today ? Hamas? Israel? China? Russia? Republicans? Democrats? War? Disease? Illegal Immigration? Guns? Gun Control? Trump? Biden? What if I said "None of the above". And told you that the greatest threat America faces is the instability of this nation's finances. However, like the essay on education, WE need a history lesson first. Understand; the modern philosophy and practices concerning the financing of governments. Is not. Modern that is. In reality it's a hand me down from the dark ages. The practice of governments borrowing from private investors against taxes to be collected at some time in the future. Reached its most infamous zenith in the 14th century. When Phillip the IV began reducing the silver content of French currency. Debasing the coinage of the realm, by adding base metals (such as lead), to pay his army. Afterward limiting what wealth could be exported without his consent. He then had the jewish businessmen expelled. Allowing him to confiscate their property. Returning the coinage of the realm to its original silver content. He now demanded the aristocracy pay their tithes to the crown with the restored currency. While they had been forced to accept the debased form in their dealings. Effectively ruining many, previously prosperous, nobles and businessmen from his own court. Next he orchestrated the downfall of the Templars by making fraudulent charges of heresy, among others. All this to save him from having to repay the money he had borrowed (approx 13 billion pounds of silver by the standards of the day). Having the Templars arrested and tortured until they confessed. He not only negated his own debt. It allowed him to confiscate all the property they owned within the confines of his borders.  

    And the scariest thing about all this ? He wasn't the only one. In fact it was the Standard Operating Procedure for most kings. Who commonly lived beyond their means. Every country and every court for more than five hundred years practiced this type of debt reduction. And who was affected the most ? The working class and poverty stricken. Who; with the rampant inflation caused by those losing money trying to, quickly, recoup their losses from the masses. Found the buying power of their stagnant wages and devalued currency greatly reduced. Sound familiar ? After COVID it should. By now your wondering what all this has to do with OUR nation's financial instability. But; It begs the question - Why is something as important as the nation's fiscal stability perched, precariously, on the teeter totter of a failed centuries old ideology. Combine this with the perpetual budgetary gridlock Congress experiences every year. And the long-term outlook gets even bleaker. So who is the real culprit ? The Rightists ? Who believe a balanced budget should come from reductions to public programs and services. Or the Leftists ? Who believe it should come from increased taxes on corporations and the wealthy. Perhaps the real blame lies with none of these and just the back room deal brokering mentality of traditional party politicians. All while reciting their mantra - "It's how things get done". Incompetently. If at all. Guaranteeing OUR elected representation tows THEIR party line or risks reductions in contributions. Or loss of party protections from competition for their position on the ballot. Quashing any plans that might display originality or visionary problem solving from being submitted to the Congressional floor. 

    A further discussion of the failed ideology that persists in the operation of OUR nation's budget. Reveals the three main processes perpetrated by the governments that ascribe to this ancient form of funding. The first, devaluation, is harder for individual governments to perform on modern currencies. In todays world this form of debasement is more often linked to an international exchange rate. Aided by interest rate controls intended to limit the quantity of free market capital available. Promoting recessive market sales on larger manufactured goods. While providing the greatest degree of profit for lenders. As an example consider home appliances. While interest rates remain relatively low. A family, expecting an addition, may decide to purchase upgraded versions to accomodate their anticipated increase in need. Relinguishing their older model to the second hand market. Providing a much needed item improvement for a family that may be living closer to the edge. During recessive interest increases these improvements are less likely to occur. Reducing, not just those families opportunity for improvement. But the nations. As sales drop; so does employment in those higher paying manufacturing positions directly affected by the markets interest rate. Prior to the computerization of consumer funds. This type of control was necessary to ensure sufficient currency in the market for every Americans daily needs. While preventing the devaluation that can occur with unchecked currency production. However; with the advent of debit and credit card sales becoming the prevalent manner of consumer purchases. This form of control has become as obsolete as selling investment in the nations perpetual debt. Which sounds more like a pyramid scheme rather than a sound investment strategy.

    The next manner in which a government attempts to compensate for its own unsound financial planning is - confiscation. The systematic thieving of the generational wealth of the working class. All with the explanation of making the rich pay their way. But OUR leadership has left out one important detail. The rich can already pay their way. That's why we call them "rich". And OUR governments have perpetrated a myriad of ways to confiscate the property of its citizens. All with the guise of legality. Any altercation that begins with your incarceration. Ends with your property being forfeited to the government. Many innocent travelers, who choose to carry cash instead of relying on credit or debit transactions. Can find themselves accused of drug crimes. At which point, even after entering a plea of innocent, they will find themselves bereft of money and property. And, assuming a verdict of not guilty, restitution by the applicable government can take years. Another reason for confiscation is property taxes. I realize that these assessments are a municipality's primary means of income. I just don't believe that forcing its citizenry onto the street is the best way to handle these delinguencies. Empty housing, especially in the more urbanized areas of the country are invitations to the homeless and criminal element. But; by far one of the most common reasons for confiscation. Are the costs associated with a family members unexpected need for healthcare. Have a parent who suddenly needs more care than you can provide ? Everything that parent worked for, that you expected to inherit, will be confiscated  by the state. House, car, life insurance, anything immediately transmutable to cash the state will lay claim to. Eventually they'll just hold a yard sale; take the money and run. 

    OUR final subject: negation, the cancellation of outstanding debt. While a common occurence in America. Is more often associated with private individuals than governments. Though if you owe the government money and fail to pay. They damn sure put you in jail. Without bailouts from the Federal government. Municipal bonds issued by New York City would have proven worthless at least once in my life time. And while there is no precedent for the negation of federal debt. There is no legislation prohibiting it either. As favoritism played a major part in determining who was repaid and who was left destitute in those kingly courts. Should circumstances dictate the negation of some of OUR national debt. The same favoritism will play out. With those contributors who can absorb the losses most suffering the least. 

    However; WE should concentrate less on how governments can keep from paying their bills. And more on the circumstances that can lead to their insolvency. And don't say "failure to maintain a balanced budget". No government can balance its budget and meet the needs of its population. For the amount of repairs, remodeling and improvements needed in this country's infrastructure. Only an exorbitant amount of overspending, or proper refinancing, could provide sufficient funding. And no balanced budget, from the previous fiscal year, accounts for current levels of inflation. No. I would say the greatest threat to OUR governments solvency is inappropriate taxation. And while every administration in my lifetime as said "we're going to tax the rich. None have actually done it. Trump promoted his tax as raising over three hundred billion dollars. And Biden has stated his will raise over 400 billion dollars. They shout these numbers into the microphone to make sure people hear them. Then whisper the qualifier "over ten years". Hoping nobody hears that. Virtually guaranteeing that these taxes are never approved or instituted by Congress. Yet with an annual budget nearing five trillion dollars 30 or 40 billion is a drop into an already empty bucket. And this has been the cycle for every president or wanna be. They all propose budget balancing taxation on the wealthy. But no one really institutes it for fear of reducing their millionaire contributions.

    Now I don't believe in taxing the rich into non-existence. But; OUR tax code needs considerable, loophole eliminating,  simplification. And let me say right off. I don't believe unrealized income, that is income that isn't spendable from your bank account, should be taxable. A case now pending before the Supreme Court (Moore vs US) is set to determine this, temporarily. However; my reasoning is more about corporate or personal debt reduction. As a means of strengthening OUR commercial banking system. Thus; strengthening the dollar on international currency markets. Nor do I believe in a maximum tax rate of forty percent. The maximum tax rate in this country should not exceed twenty-five percent. And that only on realized incomes in excess of five million dollars. No ifs, no ands, no buts, and no deductions. Also; corporate taxes should be eliminated. Used as debt reduction and therefore untaxed or paid as dividends and taxed as income. Politicians justify these taxes as ensuring that large corporations pay their fair share. However the large corporations they refer to are glad-handed so many tax breaks that the only corporations truly affected are the smaller mom and pop companies that employ the greatest percentage of America. Small businesses whose profitability and thus employability are adversely affected. How can any small business provide, not only local jobs, but health or retirement benefits when hamstrung by modern tax codes. 

    The next methodology that predetermines the nation's eventual insolvency. Is the annual budget or debt limit fight in Congress. Which appears to benefit their contributors, due to  stock market instability, more than Americans. Realize the debt limit, like most fiscal controls exercised by Congress are outdated. Instituted nearly one hundred years ago. For conditions or circumstances which are no longer applicable or even possible. In fact the majority of legislation which OUR current politicians cite as their guiding concern was instituted to prevent currency shortages due to a "run on the bank" as experienced after the market crash of 1929. Or were implemented to prevent such crashes from occurring in the first place. Yet; with modern transactions becoming more computerized these conditions of control, as stated, are obsolete. There can be no run on the bank with modern transfers occurring digitally. Yet the turmoil incited in the machinery of the nation's economy. When Congress hits the emergency stop. Does irreparable harm. And not just in this nation. One need only assess the loss of influence among our allies to ascertain the real cost of bringing the nation to a halt. And while federal employees may be without a paycheck. I'd bet my bottom dollar Congress is still depositing their six digit income. These interruptions benefit no one except political electioneering. Processing federal paperwork, from the IRS and immigration to the courts, is where the rubber really meets the road. Finally; the only people truly responsible for staying within the budget of their departments operations. Are the Cabinet Secretary's themselves. All the more reason to submit these heads of internal operations, save State and Defense, to the national ballot - no different than presidents.

    Now that we've reviewed how they're doing it wrong. Let's see if we can propose a way to do it right. First. The only department that should be vested with any budgetary powers. Including tax collection, bracket changes, or departmental budgetary oversight. Is the Department of the Treasury. While Congress, in conjunction with the president, should oversee the disbursement of discretionary funding. Such as foreign aid, or emergency funds in response to natural or man-made disasters. Under no circumstances should America allow them to continue holding this nation for ransom. Witholding budgetary approvals until some short term or special interest goal is met. Pandering to hardline politicians whose concerns are less about America and more about their image for re-election. As the leader of the free world governments OUR unity, especially in the face of communist threats throughout the world, should more resemble a handshake than pulling teeth. While, admittedly, the Treasury Department should not operate without oversight. It's primary concern should be to ensure the nations operations are in the black. Without concern for, or protection of, multi-millionaire contributors. I've never understood how they can think nothing of writing million dollar checks as contributions. But grumble when they are asked to pay that amount to their nation in taxes. The same entity that, by virtue of its free enterprise philosophy, has rewarded their ingenuity or innovation with wealth. As a dust-bowl poor "Joad"(1). Were I fortunate enough to earn five million dollars in a single year. I would not hesitate to support my nation with a 1.25 million dollar check. To do less reeks of the same aristocratic ideologies WE rebelled against in 1776.

    The second, and most important change WE can demand from OUR leadership. Is establishing a philosophy of national finance that more closely aligns with modern banking services. Eliminating OUR national dependence on a failed milennia old practice. Initiating a process whereby the future of the nation is funded by its cumulative wealth. Providing a sound foundation for this nation's financial stability for over two hundred years. While simultaneously promoting the funding for those infrastructural and "quality of life" improvements indicative of a government serving "the people". I'm sure any politician will say "it can't be done". But; I believe WE are a "can do" country. And when a formalized plan is presented to the nation. Any hardline holdouts will be replaced. Now the only hurdle is the lack of a formal plan. So here goes. In keeping with modern banking practices WE must abandon THEIR ancient form of underwriting and issue the nation a 250 trillion dollar line of credit. Similiar to a homeowners equity credit line. With the understanding that a similiar amount will be digitally deposited into the national vaults over the term of the loan. Granting US in 200 years a total national net worth of $500 trillion (250 in cash deposited digitally plus the original 250 in credit). And while it sounds hare-brained: especially on paper. I have crunched the numbers as best I can (without certain government statistics) and it can work. 

    As it stands the national debt is currently near thirty five trillion dollars. That represents, theoretically, a personal obligation of $100,000 dollars for every man, woman, and child in America. So, obviously, OUR first disbursement from this fund must go to eliminate this economic burden. Saving hundreds of billions in interest payments. And effectively providing a starting point of "zero" for the future referencing of OUR national budget. Ensuring WE can properly assess the competency of the Treasury Department's oversight. And the spending proclivities of OUR leaders. Ousting those politicians who would interfere with this reorganization for their political, or their contributors financial, benefit. This is about securing the nation's future. For ourselves and OUR posterity. Not their continued political posturing.

    The next subject we must address is the nation's healthcare system. Under no circumstances should OUR governments, federal or state, presume authority to confiscate private property for any type of healthcare needs or maintenance. Essentially treating American citizens like peasants that exist solely to enrich some feudal nobility. Healthcare, cradle to grave - homeless or high rise, is an inherent obligation of this nations service to the masses. An obligation that demands underwriting by the nation to serve the nation. If politicians, past and present, had not squandered tax funds, legitimately collected for this purpose, on pet projects for contributor profits and cold war paranoia. There would be no need to steal the generational wealth of this nations working class. To this end $100 trillion of the reorganization credit line will be dedicated to providing this service to the people. However, to prevent these monies from being reduced to a slush fund for bankers profits. They will not be disbursed as a single lump sum payment to anyone. Rather, it will be parcelled out to qualifying medical building loan underwriters over twice the term of the original loan at one half the original interest rate. With strict controls preventing these organizations from treating these monies as dividends. OUR primary goal being to prevent the failure of any medical building operator from destroying the local banking operations as well. By underwriting these loans, for buildings and equipment, through a nationwide program. We effectively reduce the cost to individuals by  removing a portion of their medical bill. Reducing the costs and need for downward adjustment by insurance companies. Making medical insurance more affordable. Not just to individuals but as a benefit of employment. Leaving only personnel and consumables as costs passed directly to the patient or insurance provider.

    Our next concern relates to the EDUCATION REFORM proposed in an earlier essay. And much of the $25 trillion earmarked for this program will be required for immediate disbursal. Promoting the many improvements postulated in the aforementioned essay on education reform. The first of these funds used to develop and install the K thru 8 nationwide curricula and interactive classroom as proposed. The second packet of funding being used to relieve school districts from the burden of fuel costs associated with bus operations. Using these grants to retrofit school buses with batteries and their operation yards with wind or solar power, whichever is most applicable, depending on its location within the greater United States. Removing these operations, and as much of the school itself as possible, from immediate dependency on the district fuel budget or local electrical grids. An additional benefit being to properly vet the battery technologies being pushed on America as climate reparation. Ensuring battery lifespan doesn't destroy the nations used car market or create, through unresearched recycling needs, the nation's newest superfund sites. The last initial use for these funds is as a supplement to high school budgets to assist in STEM education prior to development and installation of an interactive curricula for these grades. 

    To address the nation's needed infrastructural improvements.  Realize that as long as WE are tied to the political predication that tax funds must be available before any work is proposed. Chains US to a perpetual game of "catch up". Waiting for funding from taxes locally or for matching funds from the federal government. Is the reason why OUR infrastructure needs are perpetually behind. To build for tomorrow's need WE must not be waiting for yesterday's funding. So the next $25 trillion of OUR reorganizational funding would be dedicated to bringing the nation's transportational infrastructure to the level WE expect to need in fifty years; minimum. Beginning with those bridges and roads that are in the worst shape and progressing to those which meet current need but will not in twenty years time. By necessity this must also include the nation's rail capability. A critical portion of OUR readiness and ability to respond to external threats. This link in OUR military supply chain cannot be remanded to the private sector. While incidents involving railcars has not been linked to track maintenance. WE must be sure they have the ability to carry hazardous or critical machinery or supplies, without incident. Upgrading OUR transportation systems should also include the nations airports and flight control capabilities. I am amazed how, twenty plus years after 9/11, transponder controls are still located within the cockpit. The most current research, by NASA, has shown that changing to a GPS (Global Positioning System) locating signal would provide a superior level of positional and situational awareness to pilots and air controllers. Increasing the safety of the flying and, on approach or takeoff, the grounded public. While I don't agree, due to national security concerns, with NASA's conclusion that flight paths could be altered to save airlines fuel. Further adapting this technology, with a diagrammatic of every airport, for use by the ground controller and the pilots. Would reduce, if not completely eliminate, runway incursions during taxiing. Furthermore; this technology could easily provide more information than simply the carrier and aircraft designation. Expanding beyond an indication of altitude which is currently dependent on radar refresh rates. Other information that could be transmitted on this signal are airspeed, engine performance, compass heading, even aircraft configuration warnings. Imagine; the system flashing a red "NOGO" signal on the takeoff controllers display. Warning them that the pilots had failed to extend flaps prior to takeoff acceleration. Preventing at least three crashes that have been linked to this. Installing a commercial HUD (Heads Up Display) would further increase a pilots situational awareness in bad weather or dangerous airports such as Katmandu. And granted, while some of the airports requiring this technology are not inside the Continental U.S.. Ensuring that English terminology remains the mandatory language for pilots, worldwide. Obligates US to provide for the safety of international passengers. And, subsidizing upgrades at these international airports can accomplish two things. First, with negotiation, WE can request a fee per ticket to these airports. Promoting the repayment of these technological advancements that the individual nation may not be able to provide immediately. Secondly, and most importantly, it promotes OUR peaceful national image worldwide. Rather than OUR weaponry.

    The next category for reorganizational funding. Will be the research and development of the technologies that will guarantee this nations continued status as a world leader. Starting with those most critical to OUR survival. Waste reclamation, watershed revitalization, and management of OUR natural resources. The first two are inextricably linked due to their common component - water. And understand that proper completion of the former. Guarantees success of the latter. Even more important is the understanding that fossil fuels are not the primary cause of global warming. Stop and think about how much of the world's water supply, in the form of lake levels and glaciation, is tied up in modern water and wastewater piping and treatment. This loss of waterflow, from rivers and streams, around the globe. Has seriously altered the planets weather patterns. But; I must believe, not unrecoverably. However; WE must stop listening to the chicken little party academicians more concerned with their tenure than the truth. And start listening to the changes WE recognize with OUR own senses. How much snow has disappeared in our lifetime? How reduced is the flow patterns of local rivers and streams? And, while I'm not recommending to stop continued advancement in the development of alternative, or "green", methods of energy production and use. WE must not rush blindly into anything. That's what got US where WE are. Profits before conscience or caution. What use will electric cars do for the majority of us when WE can afford neither them nor the twenty dollars a gallon in gas they will eventually justify with the mantra "Save the planet". Their own pockets stuffed to overflowing by this ill-gotten gain. Leaving the majority of us "Joads"(1) walking. Because most of the nation, especially in rural areas, lacks any sort of public transportation. Here WE come to the next disbursement of OUR reorganizations research funding. Using the Colorado river as a test platform. Redirecting California's wastewater, through the Salton Sea, back to the Colorado River and into the Sea of Cortez. A similiar process would be instituted in Arizona, Nevada, and Colorado. With the intention of restoring the water flow and the riparian habitat that existed into the 20th century. Reducing the elevated temperatures in the Sea of Cortez and returning the natural weather patterns to pre-1970's standards. Once again allowing US to measure the snow in the foothills of the Rockies or the Sierra Nevadas in feet. Not inches.

    Another category for reorganization research and funding will concern the improvement of the nation's natural resources. Providing for the enhanced census of OUR wildlands heritage. Knowing how many bears are present in any given area is an incomplete picture if WE cannot quantify the presence of those nuts and berries that provide their natural forage. Or whining about the need to protect polar bears from extinction. While WE continue the deployment of icebreaking equipment in the Arctic. Whether by researching alternative methods of winter resupply for those settlements north of the Arctic Circle. Aiding volunteer organizations hoping to help improve public lands. Or landowners who desire to improve their own. Access to research funding ensures that the Forest Service can provide the advice, personnel, or botanical specimens - from native grasses to wild berries. Required to enhance the viewing or hunting opportunities of every American.  While discouraging the dumpster diving, that has become so prevalent, by OUR furry four-legged friends in their search for sustenance. Promoting the survival of OUR animal resources. Yet; enticing those species that can harm or are harmed by proximity to cities. Into remaining in those "wilderland corridors" that connect many of the nation's parks and recreation areas. Especially where they cross state or municipal boundaries.

    WE must, also, concern ourselves with the rampant flooding that ravages much of the country. Recognizing that its cause is not wholly climatological. But that the majority stems from OUR need, or greed, to control nature. The circumstances of OUR flooding being, simply, natures unwillingness to submit. As most of the nation's rivers are altered without consideration of the needs of the rivers flood plain. Only the needs of those who benefit from the alteration or limitation of the rivers course are considered. Be it, as the Mississippi has been, altered for navigational purposes. Or, as a majority of the nation has been, the infilling of the drainage established over millenia. Aiding in the production of land suitable for suburbia. Developers being unconcerned with the ramifications of their actions. And why should they ? They have no liability for the consequences. This is especially noticeable with flooding in California. Where those gullies and small streams which carried rainwater and spring melt unhindered to San Francisco Bay for millenia. Having been filled; produce floodwaters that inundate whole stretches of highway. As well as the homes and businesses that stand beside them. Recent flooding along the east coast are premium examples of this bureaucratic mentality. Where no consideration is given to the needs of anyone whose lawyer isn't present. Promoting the building of as small of a bridge as possible. One example, from New Hampshire, shown on a recent newscast. Revealed an original floodplain of twenty feet was reduced to less than five. The main stream bed being served by three small arches at the center of the crossing. The remainder of the distance having been reduced by intrusions for abutments holding the structure of the bridge itself. The streams flow restricted by more than fifty percent. While adding to the profitability of the developer or reducing the municipalities budget line item. And certainly serving the streams need ninety percent of the time. Nonetheless assures during periods of heavy rain or meltwaters, the undermining or overflow of the roadway, and subsequently its destruction, is inevitable.  

    To begin the processes of remediation and prevention of further flooding. Must be the establishment of standards of bridge construction which prohibit encroachment, of structural components, upon the right of way of any watercourses floodplain. Had this been in effect at the time of the previous example from New Hampshire. The sudden increase in the streams volume would likely have passed under the bridge and downriver - harmlessly. 

Hydrologists and engineers prefer the term Flood Risk Management.

Employing a standard misnomer practice used when money, ideas, or both, are lacking. As with any of the nation's infrastructure. It's hard to build tomorrow's technology waiting on yesterday's funding. While WE can applaud their success at keeping OUR larger river systems navigable. It should make us question their true intentions. Navigation or flood control. Excuse me. Flood Risk Management. So a portion, of OUR reorganizational funding, must be directed to instituting a philosophy of "Flow Volume Management". Expanding on the current policy of "buyouts" (at fair market rates) of those watershed tributaries with the greatest potential of adding to OUR riparian habitat resevoirs. Installing adjustable gate levees at their outlet into the main river channel. Granting US the ability to limit the outflow from these areas. Or diverting an increased flow from upstream into a downstream resevoir. Either way, as I'm sure, hydrologists and engineers will agree. The only real flood protection - is ensuring that the sudden increase of flow into the main channel. Doesn't overwhelm those levees in place to protect people and property in higher risk municipalities downstream. The second part of OUR flood protection measures. Concerns building codes in those higher risk municipalities. Encouraging the use of ground floor spaces as off street parking. And the development of  systems that, from construction, allow for the secure waterproofing of both doors and windows. Adapting steel shutters with rubber gasketing to discourage the infiltration of flood waters. While resisting the effects of ramming that can occur from floating debris. Neither of which current methods of using plywood sheeting and/or sandbags can guarantee.

    While I have outlined a few areas of research that must be funded with public money. There are far to many to enumerate in this essay. Some, such as Aerospace, will be outlined in a future treatise. Now WE must confront the subject of ownership of discoveries, in products or processes, made with an endowment of public funds. And here WE begin to address the real problem. Politicians giving away public monies with little or no thought as to how that money will be returned to the public coffers. THEIR standard response - "We'll get it back in taxes". However; hundreds of billions of dollars in research funding can never be recouped in taxes. Sales or income taxes will never provide the levels of remuneration required to refund the taxpayers investment. And why are THEY fixated on taxation being the governments only means of income? When a company invests in research with the space, equipment, or funds. It expects a return on its money. And any subsequent marketable discoveries are owned by the company. The same should hold true with public investment. Ownership therefore profits should belong to the nation as a whole. With OUR nation reaping the lionshare of any commercially derived income. Liberating OUR "free enterprise" system of government from those ideologies of taxation that restrict the economic growth of families and small businesses. Using the institution of taxation not as the primary source of OUR governments income but only as a budget balancing necessity. The K-8 curricula proposed elsewhere is a prime example. Assuming the acceptance of the reorganizational structure herein postulated. The Department of Education would be responsible for directing the development of this nationwide curricula. Under the current practices, even though the Department of Education contracted for its development. The companies providing the computer coding to make it operate would claim the copyright, therefore ownership. Subsequently they would demand annual per student fees from every district employing their operating system. Which by federal mandate would be every primary school in America. Yet; having been paid by the Department of Education for its development, the copyright and therefore ownership would rightly belong to the people. With the Department of Education acting as OUR agent. Reducing the district's obligation only to reimbursing the reorganizational fund for its initial investment. And this

amortized over a hundred year period. These same questions should be asked about the substantial sums handed out for COVID research and vaccines. How much of that cost has been returned to the nation ? A more interesting question would be - How much found its way into Congressional pockets as stock dividends or contributions ? Why I believe in mandatory divestiture before taking office.

    Now for the hardest part of any loan structure - the terms of repayment. Utilizing use fees and surcharges WE can institute a payment plan that is pretty straightforward. Reimbursing this reorganizational funding in a manner that keeps this nation on a sound financial budget for over two hundred years. Without producing a hardship on the nation's working class. Alterations to water and sewage treatment systems, as a means of restoring weather patterns, to reverse climate change. Must; unfortunately be reimbursed from user fees applied to the billing for those services. Improvements to the nation's roads and bridges. Will be reimbursed from surcharges to auto insurance and fuel taxes. For those improvements applicable to the international safety of the flying public. A surcharge to airline tickets must be negotiated and assessed. Another surcharge, applied to home or business insurance, would reimburse US for those flow volume management, remediation, and FEMA obligations associated with flooding and other weather related emergencies. Use fees would apply to offset the costs of improving and protecting those wilderland opportunities that are OUR heritage. Mandating surcharge assessments to hunting and fishing licenses as well as use fees for overnight stays or trail construction for motorized hobbyists. While ensuring that OUR public forests are free for day use applications. As for those funds used to aid school districts in serving their students. By removing the costs of fuel or reducing their electrical grid dependency. A portion of each districts savings could be directed to repaying the reorganizational funds expended for this long-term investment. 

    The hardest part of OUR repayment plan. Is the reimbursement of the nation's investment in OUR healthcare system. After all; if the full $100 trillion dollars is disbursed. WE must make  deposits of $500 billion dollars per year - from inception. This payment schedule ensures that in 200 years the nation has met the obligation of depositing matching funds. But; where will this money come from ? And; How can WE ensure its only applied to those healthcare reforms instituted for the people's benefit ? It's certainly not an amount that can be recouped from taxation. No working class family in America can afford over a $1400 per person increase in their tax bill. No matter what the benefits may be. Without complete loan statistics concerning the underwriting of medical hard costs. There is no way to adequately assess the annual costs to the public pocketbook. WE can only reiterate those avenues of financing already proposed to provide these reductions to healthcare expenses incurred by American families. OUR primary national underwriting should come, as stated, from the return on research investment that is currently given away as grants or endowments. Improperly profiting private businesses at taxpayer expense. Giving away the ownership of discoveries that should remain the property of the nation - to benefit the nation. As an added aid the institution of a one percent tax on over the counter medications would help fund the systems oversight. These policies when combined with the term length extension of the original loans and the interest rate reductions proposed. Would reduce OUR per capita obligation from $1400 to less than $500 per year per person. 

    While the title of this essay is Fiscal Irresponsibility. WE have actually been discussing the lack of fiscal responsibility and the political modus operandi that perpetuates it. And their greatest lie, isn't their endlessly unfulfilled political promises. It's the ease, indeed the expectation, that American's accept the incompetence or self-interests with which THEY continually fail to address the nation's problems. When was the last time any of US received a months paid vacation over the Christmas and New Year's holidays ? Do WE really believe that an adjournment in keeping with a schedule that was established by 1820's travel needs. Serves the needs of modern America ? Especially when there are issues of such critical importance pending. Historically; those nation's or empires that experienced the greatest longevity. Had enlightened leadership. People in the highest positions who envisioned a future that persisted beyond their own lifetime. While Congress's blind blundering from re-election to re-election leads us closer, like lemmings, to the cliff's edge. Assured, by their "insider knowledge" or contributor familiarity, that they will stop short. Failing, not just in their obligations to those generations present. But; derelict in their duty to those future, as yet unborn, generations on OUR far horizon.