Gun Control

Of all the rights guaranteed by OUR Constitution.  None has come under the intense scrutiny as OUR citizens right to bear arms.  Both extremes, right and left, continually assail what has become the iconic definition of American. And rightly so. Of the western free peoples WE alone stand in defiance of european norms and world criticism. Where gun ownership is limited to specific professions, collectors, or dynastic privilege.  And when viewed through the lens of the nightly news which profits, as the parties do, from controversy and fear. Who are WE to believe ? The NRA ? Which depends on its membership for their salaries. Or the politicians in its pocket. Who depend on its contributions for (re)election. Or the grieving mothers who see only the faces of those whose life has, wrongly, been cut short ? All of them ! And none of them !

    Let me state, unequivocally, NO Ammendment can be compromised.  Else WE would find it to easy to compromise another and another and another. Until as the man said (I don't remember who) "He who compromises his freedom for security soon has neither". However; WE must recognize the need for entry into the 21st century. After all. When the Constitution was written. They were dealing with weaponry that took two minutes to reload. And fired one round per loading. Further; the chance of dying from the ball was a lucky shot.  You were more likely to die from the doctor trying to save you. So as a nation of hunter's and shooting enthusiasts, myself included (who wouldn't like to have an original Sharpe's on the mantelpiece !!! ) WE must admit that in order to preserve our right from the legitimate criticisms of those who would deny it completely. Some alterations to the Constitution's blank cheque of gun ownership are necessary. Not just to protect those who will never agree. But to protect those of us law abiding gun owners from violence when we least expect it.

    But HOW ?  What numbers, metaphorically, are WE willing to write on that blank checque ? What sum can WE agree on that respects ALL OUR RIGHTS ? And that is what WE must find. To often in legislation, especially nowadays, whoever whines the loudest or contributes the most gets their way. With no regard for the rights of the dissenters. And as Grandma taught me, justice is only achieved by cutting everyone's baby in half. And finding a middle ground WE can all live with. Now in keeping with the mission promise of this website. I am going to try to do just that. Find some middle ground that prevents our right to bear arms from being revoked in a misguided attempt to protect us from ourselves.  

    First, and this is the biggest in my opinion. Realize that gun ownership is a right possessed only by native born Americans! Too long have immigrants, legal or illegal, believed they have the right to go out and purchase as many guns as they want. Simply because they are here. Yet WE cannot judge the system under which they were educated or, possibly, persecuted.  If they know only the coercion of force through weaponry. Can WE be guaranteed their sense of right or wrong is compatible with that which we are educated under ? I'm not suggesting immigrants are more likely to commit violent crime simply because they can suddenly buy a weapon.  A screwdriver can become a deadly weapon in the wrong hands. And we're not going to limit the sale of screwdrivers. Only that OUR ability to assess their volatility is incomplete. And to this too, there must be exceptions. Business owners in high crime areas have a right to defend themselves and their property. But, increased scrutiny would be a natural extension of their application. And; while it can be difficult to separate the facts from the hype. Residing in a border state for most of my life. Has shown me the volatility of criminal enterprises when markets or territory are contested. 

    Second. And I'm sure I will provoke ire and argument here. But; bear with me. Because now WE must address the private ownership of battlefield style weaponry. Make no mistake. I support the private ownership of these weapons as well. But the number on that cheque is missing a few zeros. Allow me to explain my reasoning and I hope those of you who own them will not only understand. But agree to the limitations I would impose. First; realize I consider the owners of these style of guns as much a part of their local militia as the states National Guard. And; in times of national emergency, easier and faster to deploy by local law enforcement. The very reason why OUR Constitution ensures the right to bear arms in the first place. The only restrictions I consider legitimate are those that relate directly to bullet access and clip size. I don't believe anyone is legitimately hunting with a 30 round banana clip. And as for bullet access. The nature of the ammunition for these weapons demands a military style rifle range. Ensuring the safety, not just of what can be seen. But what might not, immediately, be visible. After all these rounds are made to kill the soldier hiding behind the tree. Not just the one in front of it. Furthermore; the sale of these bullets, as a commercial venture, under military controls. Could be used to benefit those military family relief organizations which are now dependent on uncertain fundraising drives.  Or; to provide performance based bonuses to mid-level military personnel. At a time in their career when promotion based raises can be few and far between. Without the need for Congressional budget approval. Something of which they seem incapable. Of course there must be limitations and these weapons are no different. First; no bullets would be sold outside the range. No more bags at gun shows marked down for quick sale. Any of these bullets in possession by gun show participants would have to be surrendered to a local range at a retail cost.  Ensuring the dealers profit so any stock on hand would be willingly relinquished. Additionally, wait for it, registration would be mandatory. Not so the weapon could be confiscated by Big Brother. They'd have to pry it from my cold dead hands as well. But to ensure contact information, in case of militia call up. And only to your local law enforcement. No Federal agency would be allowed this information, except on a judicially proven search warrant. Whether they get unwarranted access to it depends entirely on how well you trust your local constabulary.

    The most important changes WE can institute. Will be to the  standards we require manufacturers to meet before distribution. The easiest of these, to implement, will be a mandate to provide a bullet and its associated cartridge to the ATF. Where ballistic patterns associated with criminal investigations are already kept on file in the NIBIN (National Integrated Ballistics Identification Network). But; this database includes only the weapon's forensic trace information after it has been used in a crime. An oversight I am sure had more to do with contributory concerns than the safety of Americans. Honest reasoning in the interest of national safety. Mandates these records should include tests performed by the manufacturer. Then provided to the ATF. BEFORE distribution ! Ensuring that any weapon sold in this nation can be traced, through this database, to its serial number, date of manufacture, distribution, retail point of sale and subsequently to the purchaser. Providing investigators a last known possessor. When a weapon or any traceable portion thereof is associated with a criminal investigation. Assisting, most likely, in the solving of crimes that have been undiscovered for years. 

    The next part of OUR changes to manufacturing will require a little research. Because it involves the serial number. An item only required after the gun control act of 1968. Now WE must find a means by which the serial number can be impregnated by a non-lethal form of radioactivity. A form of weapon identification much simpler than any tests currently employed after serial number removal has been successful. And which, if attempted, would render the weapon unusable. So much material needing to be removed. The breech would be compromised. Resulting in the weapon exploding if it was fired. This form of serial number impregnation provides US another benefit. Properly equipped; a weapon could never make it onto school grounds again. With detection equipment installed in every school entryway. Recognition of this impregnated radioactivity would trigger protective measures. Trapping any potential assailant until enforcement personnel arrive. BEFORE any harm is done. Guaranteeing the safety of children and teachers throughout this nation from an unexpected assault. As well as parents and communities from the grief associated with this irreconcilable carnage. The last change WE make to the Serial number. Is to update the aforementioned Gun Control Act to include weapons, excluding historic models, made prior to 1968. Embossing them with a locally applied, Federally issued, Serial number. An oversight due then, I suspect, to the difficulty in hand processing the paperwork associated with this type of retrograde legislation. Coupled with the number of weapons produced previously. As well as the number of weapons returning from the european and pacific theaters as trophy's of war. Though I also suspect that any weapon issued by the military's of the time already possessed some form of traceable identification.

    While I don't profess these changes to this nation's gun laws to be the final word. I do believe they give US, for and against, some common ground from which to start. I have purposely refrained from introducing psychological standards. Those being so contentious and ill defined that until the psychologists themselves have weighed in. None of us laymen are qualified to establish a standard at which gun possession becomes dangerous to innocent bystanders. Nor have I addressed the ownership of handguns, by minors, in cities which have enacted strict laws against their possession. The NRA's recent victory in New York not withstanding. I concede these cities need for control. Yet in keeping with the NRA's cause for judicial redress. I cannot condone what I perceive as a flagrant violation of constitutional guarantees which must be defended. At most; mandatory education, registration, "ready round" limitations and notification to law enforcement in times of duress before firing, are the only legitimate controls. Penalties assessed to children, in violation of the constitution, produces nothing but felons. Effectively destroying their life and potential livelihood, before they've even started. Finally; WE must ensure that OUR reasonable deliberations do not degenerate into a shouting match. 

Until someone pulls out a gun.